Whether you are at home or away on holiday, it’s is important to avoid the unexpected.

A few simple steps can help minimise water damage or even prevent it from happening in the first place. Before your next holiday, use these tips to keep your home safe from water damage:

  1. Turn off your water supply or consider installing a flow-based water shut-off device that can be set to “away” mode before you leave.
  2. Check for leaks, including under the sink, to toilets and appliances such as washing machines and hot water units.
  3. Inspect water supply lines to appliances including dishwashers and fridges. Replace those that show signs of wear and tear.
  4. Clear your gutters of leaves and sticks that may clog the gutters and lead to overflowing.
  5. Inspect the roof and repair/replace any damaged or dislodged tiles.
  6. Consider installing a sensor-based leak detention system or replace the batteries if you already have one.
  7. If you have a sump-pump or back-up generator make sure that are in good working order and schedule an annual maintenance service before you leave.
Undertaking regular maintenance and repair of your home is expected by insurers and under many policies you may not be covered for damages if you do not maintain your property.

For example if your shower grout and seals are cracked and consequentially water has access into the walls, you may not be covered for water damage.

Likewise with gutters, if they are full of debris and cannot protect your house in a heavy rain, the damage incurred may not be covered.

If you are unsure of what you are covered for under your Home and Contents policy, please don’t hesitate to contact Polly or Zoe on 08 9442 0000.

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