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Personal Insurance
At Provident Financial Services, we believe it is our responsibility to provide advice that protects you and your family (if you have one) in the event of death, disability or trauma. We understand that more than 60% of Australians will be disabled for more than one month during their working life and more than 25% will be disabled for more than three months.1
We also understand that simple strategies can remove the financial stress in the event of death or injury so that our clients can focus on their wellbeing and their families.
Do you have enough Death, Total & Permanent Disablement, Income Protection (Sickness & Accident) and Trauma protection to cover your needs? This Life insurance calculator can help you work out how much cover you may need and if you have any questions regarding your life insurance cover, contact one of our advisers.
Our vision of Plan. Help. Achieve. is designed to support you in safe guarding your lifestyle.
We review your current financial situation.
We research the market to enable us to recommend the most appropriate solution for your circumstances. It is worth remembering that the cheapest isn’t always the best and can lead to disappointment at claim time.
We calculate and recommend the right level of cover needed to protect you.
We explain the terminology and the different types of personal insurances.
We provide advice on the most appropriate structures for owning the insurances, identifying tax efficiencies where possible.
We identify any estate planning issues for your consideration.
We review your circumstances as required and provide updated advice to ensure your insurance portfolio keeps up with the changes in your life and in the marketplace.
Our experienced staff are always here to help during underwriting and, most importantly, in the event of claim.
Provident’s service does not stop once the cover is in place. Our comprehensive advice package means that we will always be there to help, from establishing the right insurance to assisting with any future claims.
Provident’s advice aims to help you understand your finances and give you peace of mind and security so that you can get on with the things you enjoy in life. This is what we call the Enjoy Factor and it is the cornerstone of our advice. Our experienced advisers minimise financial stress by protecting businesses and families should the worst happen.
1 Fabrizio, E (2007) Australia & NZ disability Income Experience www.actuaries.org/IAAHS/Colloquia/Camp_Town/Walker_-_Income_protection.pdf AIHW (2008) Cancer in Australia: an overview 2008, Cancer series no. 46 Cat.no. CAN 42 Camberra