08 9442 0000
08 9721 8744

Domestic Insurance
Under insurance is a significant risk if the unexpected happens to your home, family or your assets. Knowing you have the right cover is invaluable, that is why we plan ahead so you don’t have to and take the time to fully understand you, your assets and your lifestyle. We help with ongoing support and advice all the way and review your policies each year to ensure that your cover continues to meet your changing needs and lifestyle. This leaves you to focus on your priorities knowing that your valuables are covered.
Some questions you may wish to consider include:
Have I taken an inventory of my contents and do I have certainty that I am totally covered?
What would happen if someone is injured on my property?
Is my investment property protected from tenant damage?
If my rental property is destroyed will my policy cover lost rental so I can continue to meet the mortgage repayments?
We want to ensure you are adequately covered for your:
Home & Contents
Residential Strata
Landlord Insurance
Boat & Jetski/Watercraft
Good advice means you are not paying for insurance that you don't need, or being under-insured when it comes to the crunch.